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Concert Crowd

Nationwide Security Consulting

FBS Protection Group provides security consulting for events and festivals, including overall security management and oversight for small and large events. We are the direct liaison between producers, organizers, security vendors, and emergency and law enforcement, ensuring the best results for all involved. FBS has accumulated decades of experience in the security industry, and we apply our security wisdom to our clients’ specific needs. 


Our highest priority is ensuring the safety and enjoyability of the diverse people groups who attend your events. FBS Protection Group works with your event planners to coordinate all aspects of the event, so you and your team do not need to be consumed with safety and security issues. We consult with you to resolve crowd control, traffic and parking, and many other tasks that may cause anxiety and stress for your management team. 


FBS Protection Group's approach ensures that experienced professionals oversee your event rather than part-time employees or undertrained staff. FBS conducts a high-level security risk assessment of your location, event, and potential guests (planned and unplanned). Crowded events must give serious consideration to security risks associated with such gatherings. Our services complement your event and give you a peace of mind that your guests and attendees are safe and secure.

Event Security

  • Event-based policies have a distinct impact on the throughput of patrons and staff coming into your site. FBS Protection Group can assist you in determining the correct number of metal detectors and lanes needed for a successful program.  

  • Bag Policies (Backpacks, Clear Bag, No Bag, etc.)

  • Restricted Item Checklists

  • Concerts & Festivals

  • Restricted Item Awareness and Storage

  • Off Duty Police Officers

  • Concealed Weapons Permits

  • Re-Entry Programs

  • Door Opening Load Time

  • Law Enforcement Roles and Responsibilities

  • Threat Assessments

Access Control

The FBS Protection Group staff have extensive experience in patron ingress and exit. As Access Control Officers, they monitor the overall operation of the area, handle customer relation issues, and prepare each location for the next phase of the event. Access Control Officers can synchronize all functional areas together (security, accessibility, public safety, etc.) to ensure site readiness and operational success.


Key areas include:

  • Set Up and Tear Down of Gate Configurations

  • Patron Queueing Needs/Redirecting

  • Public Address Systems and Pre-Scripted Announcements

  • Monitoring of Show Schedules

  • Gate Modifications

  • Signage Installation

  • Site Readiness

Staff Deployment & Training

FBS Protection Group can provide your security personnel important and specific instructions on proper metal detection screening techniques prior to the event and handle on-the-job training when necessary. Our staff development and training program is based on industry standards for proper screening of patrons.


Key components include:

  • Staff Positioning and Assignments

  • Familiarity with Metal Detection Screening

  • Deployment of Strong Personnel to Key Positions

  • Pre-Shift Briefings/Cheat Sheets

  • Throughput Tricks of the Trade

  • Suspicious Items/Activities

  • False Activation Triggers

  • Decoy Detection

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Staff Redeployment Plans

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